Veronica Ruffo Original Design Twisted Ribbon Sterling Silver & Turquoise Pendant

Veronica Ruffo Original Design Twisted Ribbon Sterling Silver & Turquoise Pendant

This dramatic contemporary pendant is an original design from Veronica Ruffo. Veronica comes from a family that has been involved with Mexican silver jewelry for 40 years. Her grandmother, Margarita MacFarland, designed under the name “Magui” and supplied jewelry designs for the “Los Castillo” jewelry store in Ensenada, Mexico. Veronica recently completed two years of study at the prestigious  “Le Arti Orafe” which is a jewelry design school in Florence, Italy. Her designs are a unique blend of Mexican and European style.

Product ID: OA0111

Details: The pendant has a width of 3 1/8 inches and has a drop length of 3 inches. Weight for the pendant is 1.2 ounces. Markings are "V. Ruffo". The pendant is composed of sterling silver and natural turquoise.

Click on the photo to enlarge

Payment: Personal check, money order, VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express accepted. Please contact Carmen Armstrong at 832-563-3192 or E Mail: to place an order.

Weight: 0.08lbs

Price: $149.00



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