Manuel Porcayo Original Sterling Pin/Pendant Inspired by Diego Rivera “Nude with Calla Lillies”

Manuel Porcayo Original Sterling Pin/Pendant Inspired by Diego Rivera "Nude with Calla Lillies"

This fabulous pin / pendant is an original design from Manuel Porcayo and was inspired by the famous painting of Diego Rivera “Nude with Calla Lillies”. Diego Rivera was one of the most iconic artists in Mexico and brought worldwide attention to Mexican art from the 1930’s through the 1960’s. Diego Rivera achieved his greatest fame while celebrating Mexican subjects and not trying to emulate European styling which was the case for Mexican artists prior to the revolution.

Product ID: OA0153

Details: The pin / pendant has a length of 1 13/16 inches and a width of 1 7/16 inches. Weight is 1.2 ounces. Markings are faint handprint logo & "Hecho a Mano". Composition of the pin / pendant is sterling silver. The pendant has a brushed finish to highlight the design.

Click on the photo to enlarge

Payment: Personal check, money order, VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express accepted. Please contact Carmen Armstrong at 832-563-3192 or E Mail: to place an order.

Weight: 0.08lbs

Price: $239.00



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